Emsculpt Jersey City

About emsculpt

Emsculpt is a non-invasive, no downtime body contouring treatment that efficiently builds muscle and burns fat for improvement in muscle tone and shape for both men and women. Other body contouring procedures address fat and skin, whereas Emsculpt builds muscle and burns fat for improvement in the tone and shape of the abdomen, buttocks, biceps, triceps and calves. Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology to induce approximately 20,000 forced muscle contractions per 30-minute session. In clinical trials, four Emsculpt sessions, spaced at least two days apart, averaged a 16 percent increase in muscle mass and a 19 percent average fat reduction.

Esculpt How Does it Work

How Does it Work

Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to force extremely powerful muscle contractions that cannot be achieved through voluntary contractions. When exposed to these strong contractions, the muscle tissue responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure, increasing fat metabolism and muscle tone for a leaner, tighter, and firmer abdomen and backside


Emsculpt Treatment Result


Emsculpt requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment, preparation or downtime.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is encouraged to keep a proper diet and exercise routine after Emsculpt.

Yes, it is an FDA approved non-invasive procedure so you can lose unwanted fat without resorting to risky surgeries.

Yes, Emsculpt has helped people improve and minimize back pain by strengthening core muscles that wrap around the abdomen, lower back, and buttocks. This helps reduce risk of injury and helps your spine.

There are very few scenarios where Emsculpt would not be recommended such as having metal implants.

No, Emsculpt does not tighten loose skin however we have other services such as (Ultherapy and RF Microneedling) that help tighten loose skin.

Emsculpt involves minimal discomfort, if any. During the procedure, you will feel muscles contract with the treatment level gradually increased. Any discomfort will be short-lived.

It feels very similar to intense abdominal or gluteal exercises, except the device is doing all the work.

Emsculpt has helped many people build muscle and reduce excess fat; however, the procedure is not recommended for everyone. Pregnant women are advised not to undergo Emsculpt treatment on any part of their body but may be candidates prior to or after pregnancy.

Tangible results are felt right after the treatment, similar to an intensive workout. Fat reduction, muscle definition, and overall toning will begin to appear two to four weeks after the last session in the series of treatments. Results continue to improve for weeks to months after the treatment series, and should be fully visible by three months, but can improve for up to six months.

The number of treatments required is dependent on your desired results and where you are starting in terms of muscle tone and undesirable fat. Typically we recommend 4 treatments over the course of 2 weeks for optimal results.

Improved muscle tone lasts at least 6 months but longer if you follow an appropriate diet and exercise regularly.

Emsculpt requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment, preparation or downtime.

The number of treatments required is dependent on your desired results and where you are starting in terms of muscle tone and undesirable fat.

Request A Consultation

(201) 771-1331